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About the project
Key Details
- About The Project
Activation of a former 1910 warehouse building in the CBD of Sydney into contemporary open plan offices on eight levels of the building and two-levels of retail on the ground floor and basement. All redundant services were removed and replaced with fully BCA complaint modern day services including lifts, air conditioning, data, electrical and comprehensive fire services. A two- level rooftop bar is to be shortly added to the construction.
- Project summary
Heritage 21 was the on-site heritage architect and was actively involved on site during the construction and conservation of this early warehouse building which; in its day was the tallest warehouse building in Sydney. Constructed in 1910, it used a steel framed system comprising original Dorman & Long products brought out from England. Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was constructed in 1932 also used Dorman & Long products.
- What was done
The building is known as ‘Nelson House’. Its earlier use was that of offices constructed in 1983 which resulted in highly intrusive intervention into the original fabric of the 1910 building. Much of Heritage 21’s work comprised the stripping back of the intrusive fabric and the conservation of the rest including the exposure of the steel columns and beams and the herringbone struts to the suspended timber floors. The 1983 lifts were replaced with new lifts – one of which extends to the rooftop.
- Time frame
2018-2020 (2 years)
Services provided
- Schedule of conservation works
- On-site Heritage Architect
- Interpretation Strategy
- Executive advisory position- guiding all conservation works (materials and methodology)
Why was the work undertaken?
The work that was commissioned by the developer/ owner facilitated eight levels of office space of approximately 170 sq.m each and two levels of retail on ground floor and basement. The project provided an opportunity to conserve the building’s fabric. By introducing contemporary facilities and services in careful, considered, and appropriate ways, a delicate balance of new and old was achieved in this project.
Who was the work completed for?
Ausino Properties was the developer for Nelson House. Director, Robin Sang actively participated in all aspects of the building’s conservation and showed a keen interest in achieving the highest quality products and methodologies to restore this heritage listed item in the CBD of Sydney.
Very positive outcome for the heritage building due to the extent of the conservation works carried out in the premises. Previous intrusive elements were removed. The entire eastern façade was conserved inclusive of tuck-pointed brickwork, sandstone conservation, copper frontispiece cleaned up and burnished and the parapet wrought iron reinstated.
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