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About the project
Key Details
- Summary
HERITAGE 21 worked closely with Waverley Council in the development of a masterplan for this iconic 1920s building at the epicentre of the nationally listed heritage beach.
Heritage 21 carried out a detailed fabric analysis of the entire complex and all its components. Heritage 21 produced a conservation management plan for the building and surrounds. Over the years, Heritage 21 was retained as a consultant to the Council for all necessary heritage design advice in relation to the theatre, bar, gallery, shops, public toilets, restaurant, and forecourt.
- What was done
In relation to the masterplan for the site, Heritage 21 participated in all necessary decisions relating to repairs and conservation works at the Pavilion.
- Time frame
6 years
Services provided
- Heritage design advice
- Heritage construction advice
- Assessment of the condition of the building assets
- Schedule of proposed conservation and maintenance works
- 10 - year maintenance program
- Statements of heritage impact
Why was the work undertaken?
At the time Heritage 21 was involved in the project check year the Council was not certain whether it wanted to turn Bondi Pavilion into a globally significant heritage icon or to retain it for local community use mainly. Heritage 21 participated in the process of the retention of local community uses while the Council debated the merits or otherwise of converting it into a global icon- tourist attraction. In the meantime, a swathe of repairs and conservation works was taken out across the length and breadth of the site.
Who was the work completed for?
Waverley Council
Although the work is not noticeable now, many components of the Pavilion were repaired while new restaurants and outlets were introduced as well as upgrading the theatre to meet BCA compliance and developing maintenance strategies for the complex in perpetuity.
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