On-Site Heritage Architects

For certification purposes, H21 is able to fulfill the role of on-site heritage architect.

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What is comprised in this service?

H21 provides an onsite heritage consultancy service during construction. Typically, this entails regular attendance by H21 progressively throughout the duration of the construction period during which Heritage buildings undergo significant amounts of new development in the context of such heritage buildings. H21 minutes all those attending the regular meetings and provides advice in relation to specific detailing involving the integration of new fabric in the context of existing heritage fabric. This includes responses to RFIs in-between site attendances.

H21 has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to most of the materials and detailing used in heritage buildings including Colonial era buildings, Regency building (Victorian), late Victorian buildings, federation buildings, inter-war buildings, including Californian bungalows, Post – war buildings, Brutalist buildings, etc. H21 also understands appropriate treatments for all the key disciplines including brick work, stone work, plastering, pressed metal ceilings, suspended timber floors, lathe and plaster ceilings, slate roofs, tile roofs, metal roofs, and associated rainwater goods, lead light glazing, sash windows, air vents, tiling, painting, fire places, marbles and granite, tessellated tiling, door hardware, skirting, architraves, picture rails, dado’s, stencilling, carpet runners, brass, bronze, zinc and lead, cast iron and wrought iron beams, timber framing, etc.

Why do I need this service?

It is important for qualified heritage architects who understand detailing, materials and building methodologies associated with heritage buildings to be involved on site at specific points I which changes are being made to fabric of heritage significance. It is also important to understand traditional materials and methodologies so that buildings are correctly restored with the correct building methodologies matching those used in the original or later construction. Also, it is important to remove inappropriate treatments that are deleterious to the original construction i.e. in the period 1960 – mid 1980s in which many inappropriate treatments were carried out to heritage buildings with incalculable negative results. In this manner, your heritage project will be appropriately guided by the experts at H21 towards successful completion with good heritage outcome.

When do I need this report?

During construction and once Construction Certificate has been obtained. At the end of the building works, H21 will issue a sign-off report that is provided to the consent authority pursuant to  Occupation Certificate. This sign-off report comprises a summary of all previous minutes so as to produce a comprehensive record of decisions made and guidance given in relation to all the heritage elements in the building/place. The heritage sign-off report is necessary to obtain an Occupation Certificate.

Need a Statement of
heritage impact report?
Contact us today on +61 2 9519 2521

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