Heritage Management Documents

The reason that a Heritage Management Document is needed, is to guide the integration of new fabric in a heritage context.

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What is this report for?

The reason that a heritage management document (HMD) is needed, is to guide the integration of new fabric in a heritage context. This applies especially for buildings that are modified, extended, or partially demolished. Its main purpose is to identify what fabric can be demolished and what fabric must be retained. In terms of the later, specifications are provided for the conservation of the fabric. Thus, it is a multi-purpose report that not only identifies elements of heritage significance, but also guides the integration of new fabric into those buildings.

What is in this report?

A heritage management document is a report type that is specified in the Local Environmental Plans of all consent authorities in New South Wales. It is a shortened form of a CMP and specifically concentrates on policies for the short, medium and long-term conservation of heritage listed buildings and contributory buildings in Heritage Conservation areas. In this report, there is a brief history of the place but a much greater concentration on the fabric of the building. Based on the condition and the significance of the building fabric i.e. roofs, walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, etc., policies are developed for the long-term conservation and management of significant fabric.

Why do I need this report?

If the consent authority is uncertain about the heritage significance of the building and its elements, then an HMD would be required to assist the consent authority in assessing heritage impacts. If too much significant fabric is proposed to be demolished, the consent authority is likely to refuse the application. However, if a delicate balance has been achieved with sufficient retention of significant fabric but also an appropriate integration of new fabric into the heritage setting, then the consent authority is more likely to support the application.

When do I need this report?

Usually, once the consent authority has received the DA documentation it often requests an HMD in order to fine tune the information required for a detailed heritage assessment. Quiet often the Land and Environment Court (LEC) will request an HMD to assist the court in determining any application that involves heritage issues.

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