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What is this report for?
Many historical buildings were designed specifically to address certain settings and curtilage. For instance, a colonial farmhouse would originally have a wide vista around it. Similarly, early civic buildings in urban areas responded to streetscape settings and there are many other building types such as factories, schools, hospitals, hotels, etc that have their own historical settings specific to their operations. It is these settings that inform an understanding of visual curtilage so that when new development in the vicinity of these unique settings take place, there will need to be regard taken to an understanding of such historical settings and curtilage. This is what a Curtilage Analysis Report is all about.
What is in this report?
A historical analysis of the place will be required to be undertaken in order to inform an understanding of when the place was built ad how it functioned. Also, what changes were made to the place in relation to the growth and the evolution of the place. In relation to any proposed development in the region of the heritage building or place certain limiting factors will apply. For instance, if the proposed new building is too close to the historical item, such proximity may engender a negative impact. The aim is to avoid such negative impacts and come up with a solution for the correct placement of the proposed new building in relation to the historical building. Other considerations will include height, bulk, scale, materiality, morphology, colours, textures, and articulation.
Why do I need this report?
If your proposed building is likely to impinge upon the historical setting of an established heritage place, you will need expert heritage advice from H21 to assist you in managing the bulk, form, placement and scale of the proposed new building/ facility.
When do I need this report?
It is strongly recommended that prior to the lodgement of your development application that you seek such advice from H21 in order to avoid new numerous reworkings of your design which can end up being costly, time consuming and potentially avoidable.