Interpretation Strategies & Plans

The purpose of an Interpretational Strategy is to communicate the essential heritage values and historical themes compromised in a heritage building / place.

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What is this report for?

The Interpretation Strategy Plan (ISP) constitutes a document that analyses the building’s key characteristics – both physical and historical as well as associational significance in order to communicate these key values to users of and visitors to the subject building.

What is in this report?

Once the analysis has been undertaken in relation to the above aspects, this document comprises a list of the main characteristics of the building’s history; original use and later changes to it; an understanding of the building’s significance; historical associations, and changes, that forms the basis for understanding and communicating the key heritage values of the building/place to those who use the building or come to visit it for any reason. The interpretation plan is released in the form of a graphic presentation usually located in the foyer of the building or other places where congregation is most intense and combines photographic, archival, cadastral, early subdivisions data, and written text in order to concisely extract and present the buildings key historical, physical, and associative values.

Why do I need this report?

More often than not the relevant approval authority may condition in the approval that such a document is required if it believes that there is public interest relating to the subject building.

When do I need this report?

Usually after the DA has been approved and prior to construction certificate stage.

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heritage impact report?
Contact us today on +61 2 9519 2521

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