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About the project
Key Details
- About The Project
Rationalisation of a school campus by the construction of a breezeway to link all the separate heritage buildings on the campus. Heritage 21 working closely with Charles Glanville and Louis Borg from Thomson Adsett Architects.
- Project summary
Heritage 21 participated with Thomson Adsett Architects in the design, approval process, documentation and supervision of all the heritage aspects of the site during the construction of a new breezeway along the eastern façade of the 1886 School Building and the façade of the 1938 School Building. This breezeway allowed rationalized connection to all parts of the school which were previously isolated and without continuous/ seamless connection. At the same time opportunities were provided for the conservation of the brickwork and sandstone of the earlier buildings on the campus.
- What was done
A new breezeway was added along the façade of the 1886 School Building and the faced of the 1938 School Building. Conservation work carried out for the sandstone and the brickwork of the old heritage buildings on site.
- Time frame
5 years from inception to the completion of construction
Services provided
- Sandstone Condition Assessment and Remediation advice
- Statement of Heritage Impact
- Photographic Archival Recording
- Interpretation Plan
- Interpretation Panel design
- Retrieval of original images
- Participation by Heritage 21 on site throughout the construction period
Why was the work undertaken?
Prior to the introduction of the breezeway, the school campus was beset with logistical problems relating to the access to the various buildings on the campus by school children, teachers, and parents. The breezeway rationalised these issues and problems into a highly successful project that comprised both new work and heritage conservation.
Who was the work completed for?
St. Vincent’s College
A highly positive result was achieved through the close collaboration of Heritage 21 with Charles Glanville from Thomson Adsett Architects and the builders and the sub- contractors that executed the physical work on site. Tremendous opportunities were opened for the conservation of the key heritage buildings on the site ensuring that minimal original fabric was demolished to facilitate the new breezeway. This project is a good example of the introduction of new fabric in a heritage context.
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